Gilmore-Kramer Company Material Handling Equipment - 1-800-544-3137 - Service - Installation - Custom Fabrication
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Click any picture or title for pricing and complete specifications.


NER/ER Series Single &
Dual Speed Hoist with
Hook Suspension
(1/8 - 5 Tons)

SNER Series
Single Phase Hoist with
Hook Suspension
(1/4 - 3 Tons)

SEQ Single Phase
Dual Speed (VFD Control)



ed series single or dual speed single phase electric chain hoist ed series dual speed adjustable single phase electric chain hoist (n)er large capacity electric chain hoist with hook and lug suspensions
(n)erm large capacity electric chain hoists with motorized trolley

ED Series Dual
Speed Single Phase
Electric Chain Hoist
(125 - 1050 lbs.)

(n)erp and (n) erg large capacity electric chain hoists with push and geared trolleys ner/er cylinder control electric chain hoists electric chain hoist

(N)ERP and (N)ERG Large
Capacity Electric Chain
Hoists with Push and
Geared Trolleys
(8 - 20 Tons)


electric chain hoist

NER Food Grade
Electric Hoists



tcr series high performance air hoist
tcr large capacity air powered hoists

TCR Air Hoist Hook,
Motorized, Push, and
Geared Trolley
(1/4 - 2 Ton)

ah mini-cat air powered hoists tcs cheetah high speed air hoist
ah air powered hoist with manipulator control

TCW Lube Free
Wash Down Air
Powered Hoists
(1/2 - 1 Ton)


model cf hand chain hoist model cb hand chain hoist nth low headroom trolley hoist
pt push trolley and gt geared trolley

Model CF Hand
Chain Hoist
(1/2 Ton - 5 Ton)

shb ultra-low headroom trolley hoist hand chain hoist
lever hoist

SHB Ultra-Low Headroom
Trolley Hoist
(1 - 10 Ton)


beam clamp

UBC Universal
Beam Clamp




overhead bridge crane remote control systems  

RY Series Electric
Wire Rope Hoist
(5 - 10 Tons)

Overhead Bridge Crane
Remote Control Systems


Our company is a broad line distributor of Material Handling Equipment such as Harrington Air Hoist, Electric Chain
Hoist, Chain Hoist, and Harrington Hoists. In addition, our knowledgeable and friendly staff specializes in CF, CB, ER,
ERP, ERM, Electric Hoists, Hand Chain Hoist, NER Series, NERP, NERM, SNER Series, TCR Series, Trolley,
Wire Rope Hoists, AH Mini-Cat, and Geared Trolley.
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